:ripple: Contributing Events to rva.rip

Welcome! Contributing events to rva.rip is easy and accessible. By contributing events to rva.rip you help to ensure that the events you or your org host are accessible to the wider RVA community outside of Lex and Instagram, you're able to make your events posted on rva.rip look exactly how you want, and ensure that events posted are as up-to-date and accurate as possible. This project's maintainers hope you'll join them in trying to help foster a greater and more integrated queer community in Richmond, Virginia.

There are a couple different ways to contribute events to the calendar, but the main way that'll be gone over in this guide will be by using Google Calendar. If you have your events hosted via another service or software package online feel free to email this project's maintainers at host@rva.rip to discuss integrating those to minimize your work required.

Publishing Google Calendar events

Formatting Tips

rva.rip Calendar Preferred Guidelines and Reccomendations

theme: 🌑 🌓 🌕